宗教和精神生活与我们更大的大学社区一起促进整个人的健康. 我们的目标是为您提供探索和加强您的宗教或非信仰信仰和传统的空间和场所. 我们还力求为持有不同世界观和信仰的人提供对话的机会. 我们认为重要的是通过对话来获得理解,并在我们的分歧之间建立桥梁. 对话是 不 about debate, point-scoring, apologetics, or proselytization. 对话是 about listening to and speaking with the other, 希望在这里学习,来到一个相互理解的地方. 进一步, 对话不一定是试图寻找或只关注我们同意的事情, or to reduce things to a lowest common denominator. 真正的对话是通过我们与对方最深层次的特质来进行的, 这并不意味着我们会失去他们,或者不再坚持自己的立场.

Active student organizations are listed here. 如果您没有看到您正在寻找的小组,请询问我们如何开始一个. For more information about student programs, 参观西尔斯大厅的牧师办公室(与莫里斯教堂相连), or send an email to religiouslife@babytripster.com.

Asian American Christian Fellowship

Black Campus Ministries Intervarsity

健康 Sciences Christian Fellowship

Hillel Jewish Student Club

Indian Student Association

Interfaith Council Tigers Better Together

Muslim Student Association

Newman Catholic Community

Open Door Methodist Student Ministries

Orthodox Christian Fellowship

Pacific Christian Fellowship Intervarsity

Nest Prayer Family Christian Student Club

Tigers for Christ (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

Secular Student Alliance

Sikh Student Association

You're 不 alone. 许多人对宗教及其对社会的影响感兴趣, 我们的目标是为你提供一个安全的地方来探索你的重要问题. From time to time we host seminars, 讲座, panel discussions, dialogue sessions, and respectful debates, 我们的许多学生团体都参与了这些活动的组织. 有丰富的活动正在进行,我们鼓励你参与进来, especially if your interests are 不 represented. We need your help! 牧师办公室不时地与我们社区的教职员工和其他人一起共同赞助活动. 我们这样做的目的是尽可能带来最充分和最令人满意的太平洋体验.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 天主教弥撒在学年期间每周日晚上8点在莫里斯教堂举行
  • 在学年期间,每周二上午8点举行基督教传统的晨祷,然后是公平贸易咖啡馆
  • 本学年每周三下午五点半在莫里斯教堂举行佛教冥想
  • 莫里斯教堂和科利弗大厅的神圣空间每天开放,供祈祷和冥想,可以使用太平洋身份证进入(请联系牧师办公室了解更多信息)。
  • 这一年举行各种不同宗教间的服务和活动. Please check Pacific's 博彩平台网址大全排名 Calendar 有关详细信息,.

跨信仰青年核心(IFYC)将跨信仰定义为来自不同传统的人们的参与, such as Christianity, 印度教, 伊斯兰教, Secular Humanism, 犹太教, 佛教, 锡克教, 耆那教, 巴哈伊教的, 无神论者, 不可知论者, and all other religious, 非宗教, and philosophical traditions. Alternative words like "multifaith," "interreligious,或“多宗教”可以互换使用来表达相同的想法.

是的, you may book a student event in the Chapel. 莫里斯·查普尔(Morris Chapel)已经预订了一些希腊活动,比如入会典礼和别针仪式, as well as religious and spiritual prayer meetings, 圣经, and other student events. To book the Chapel, or any of our meeting spaces, 博彩平台网址大全 或在营业时间(上午8:30 -下午5点)来填写设施申请表并预订您的空间. 我们位于西尔斯大厅,莫里斯教堂大楼的西北翼. 预订教堂和会议场地需要支付20美元/小时的费用. This covers the cost to have an Event Manager on staff, as most events and meetings occur after our business hours.

No.  莫里斯教堂没有规定谁可以在教堂举行婚礼.  Each couple is required to bring their own minister.  As we are also a non-denominational Chapel, this means that a variety of couples, including interfaith, inter-denominational, 同性, and multicultural, have enjoyed their wedding ceremonies at Morris Chapel.

如果您想和我们的工作人员一起参观教堂的话, 那么我们要求您提前打电话给我们,并安排一个时间来拜访我们.  如果你只是想在没有参观的情况下顺便看看教堂, you are more than welcome to walk through, so long as there is 不 a private event occurring.  Our office hours are Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm.  礼拜堂在周末为私人活动开放,如婚礼, 纪念馆, 洗礼, and other such events.  在学年期间,我们每周日晚上8点举行天主教弥撒,并向公众开放.  If you have additional questions, please 博彩平台网址大全.

是的. Morris Chapel is a non-denominational Chapel. 博彩平台网址大全是由卫理公会牧师创立的, and is still related to the United Methodist Church. The chapel is Christian in look and feel, especially in terms or its stained glass window themes, 铭文, 十字架, 等等....... 出于这个原因,我们也有一个神圣空间祈祷室,不太注重宗教. It is beside Morris Chapel in Colliver Hall. Both spaces are open for use by all people.

Baccalaureate, a long standing tradition at Pacific, is a celebratory occasion on Commencement weekend, that honors our graduating class, 通常强调学生团体的宗教和哲学传统. 除此之外还有许多毕业生的演讲和表演, 我们特别强调的是“最后一讲”——一个由教师分享假设的特别讲座。如果你知道这是你最后的机会,你会把什么智慧传授给这个世界呢?” 


Religious and Spiritual Life Office
3601 Pacific Avenue
Stockton, CA 95211
